

The VIRGILIO project is within the framework of the “Sustainable and Safe Mobility” program referred to in DD no. 320/2019 promoted by the Campania Region (Unique Project Code: B32C18000290007). In the context of different projects that implement solutions to support and innovate sustainable and safe mobility is the VIRGILIO project initiative, which was implemented based on the synergy between partner companies and RODs. Internally, System Management S.p.A. stands as the lead company as well as the scientific leader of the activities and innovation trajectories with respect to the project’s intended objectives. The work carried out by System Management, within the VIRGILIO project, in order to realize an innovative solution, is through the implementation of a platform for the control, monitoring and management, of a smart-city with a special emphasis on the dimensions of urban traffic and mobility.

Start date: 01/07/2020 – End date: ongoing

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