MADE AWS IoT Gateway supports Q8 in fuel plant technology innovation
In the dynamic technological landscape, we provided Q8 with the tools to develop and consolidate a path of innovation with a full cloud approach, redefining the standards of Operational Intelligence in the energy sector.
Q8 chose MADE, an AWS-certified IoT Gateway developed by System Management, with the goal of having an increasingly connected, innovative, and digitally secure point of sale. MADE is designed to operate in cloud environments as a unique edge node to connect, monitor and control heterogeneous assets using AWS Cloud services and low-latency Edge applications.
Phygital innovation between cloud and IoT
System Management, as Q8’s Technology Partner and Cloud Enabler, led the hardware design and software design and development of MADE. This product is a synthesis of Phygital know-how, capable of combining Hardware and Cloud application development into a single end-to-end product capable of addressing these challenges:
- Equipment Replacement: Ensure business continuity by replacing obsolete or end-of-life devices.
- Managing data complexity: Responding to the increased complexity and heterogeneity of point-of-sale generated data.
- Edge Cloud Enabling: Bringing the cloud into the Point of Sale, implementing low-latency monitoring and control services.
This effort led to the creation of one of the first AWS IoT Gateways, capable of collecting data, enabling edge communication with the central cloud, and hosting AWS Greengrass-compatible services.
Applications of MADE for Q8
MADE is now in more than 600 Q8 stores and will be deployed throughout the Italian network. Designed to host AWS Greengrass, MADE intensively leverages AWS PaaS services to ensure seamless connectivity and efficient data management.
- Virtual IoT Gateway: Connects and collects data from IoT devices and industrial assets, implementing local data processing logic and sending information to the AWS cloud.
- Cloud Event Management: Manages low-latency local events with self-remediation logic, error escalation, and notifications using AWS PaaS services.
- Orchestrations: Operates as an edge node for the management and coordination of field devices, building automatic governance orchestrations.
MADE brings the AWS cloud to Q8 stores, streamlining data and event management and hosting advanced services for scenarios such as:
Coordinates physical security policies at the edge, orchestrating automated intrusion detection and deterrence scenarios. Monitors and controls field assets and propagates events by communicating with the central cloud.
It collects information from renewable energy plants and sources to implement energy management strategies, including during blackouts.
It moves data processing and event discovery to the edge, reducing latency, ensuring continuous operation and optimizing communication with the central cloud.
An innovative approach to Point of Sale management, demonstrating how the adoption of Phygital technologies combined with the cloud can lead to efficient and scalable solutions for the Energy sector.